

For those of you still looking at this blog site, I need to direct you over to Holli’s new blog site once again www.hollitrue.com/blog .  Please update your RSS feeds and your favorites.

I have just gone in and put a Challenge post without her knowing yet.  I need some comment love on the other site so that I will not get in trouble and be invited back to post. ~ Thanks Jeff


Check out my new Blog!!!

So, we are still working out some of the details of the new blog- but I am truly smitten with it already!!  🙂  Oh the joys of having total creative control!  Please update your bookmarks, as I won’t be posting to here anymore.  Please let me know what you think!!  I ♥ Comments!!!



Scott + Brittney- Salem Wedding 1.17.09

The day was gorgeous- blue skies, golden sun, not a cloud in sight. For anyone living in Oregon, you know these days are scarce in January. 🙂 Perfect weather on a perfect day for the perfect couple who vowed their lives to each other.

Brittney and I are cousins, we grew up playing out on her grandma’s farm, riding quads and getting dirty.  When she and Scott got engaged we were thrilled for them.  After getting to know Scott better and watching the two of them together, we knew that they were meant for each other.  I honestly couldn’t have hand-picked a better match for Brittney and think of anyone else I would want to welcome into our family.  We are so happy for you two and cannot wait to hang out again! 

We so enjoyed every minute of your wedding- it was amazing!  We hope you love your images!  We love you!!













Showit Sites- Site of the Year Contest

Wow… That’s about all I can muster after discovering that my website has been selected as a finalist in the Site of the Year Contest. Showit Sites is amazing, I’ve said it before and I will say it again and again and again… I just can’t say enough great things about their products and service! 🙂 Thank you a million times over!!

It feels so amazing to have my site listed as one of the finalists.  It’s so cool to look at the other sites and see their creativity and personality throughout their website.  Showit Sites gives us the tools and freedom to create what we envision without being restricted by templates.  I LOVE that!! 

So, if you are a member of OpenSource Photo, please take the time to look at all of the sites and vote for your favorite 5.  All of us photographers thank you!!!  🙂



My Muse!

Sometimes you meet people who simply inspire you.  Inspire you to try, to improve, to just do.  Justine does this for me.  She is a great friend, my #1 cheerleader, my go-to person for different ideas I have about my business and above all, my muse.  🙂  Aside from being obviously gorgeous, she’s also willing try anything- especially when it comes to my photography visions.  Like I said, she is a GREAT friend!   

This past Sunday Justine and I drove out to Harrisburg for a concept shoot with the ultra-fabulous, Kacy Jo!  I met Kacy this past summer and I just adore her.  She allowed us to play on her turf and although it was freezing cold, we had a great time and managed to produce some amazing shots!  Justine & Kacy- thank you for being awesome friends!  Enjoy!!












Oh, and I have to say, I LOVE my new lenses!!!


Our little Rockstar!

So, my little man, Cole, is destined for super-stardom.  I know, I know, everyone thinks their children are brilliant- I am no exception to this rule.  🙂  Cole could play Guitar Hero at the age of 2, and I don’t mean fail out- he could actually pass the songs.  Last year for Christmas Santa bought him Rockband and he quickly picked up on the drums.  This year Santa brought him Rockband 2, he now can beat songs on expert on drums- it is insane!!  His newest thing is actually playing the guitar- on expert- and singing at the same time…

Um, crazy, right??  He’s totally our little Rockstar!! Backup singing and vocals are compliments of Miss Addi. Yes- I am on the drums- can’t thank Jeff enough for panning out to get me in there- I so love that!   (Yeah, right!)

We’re practically the Partridge Family, minus the bell-bottoms. 🙂


For all you Brides…

Want to be inspired with some unique and fabulous ideas?  Then you must check out the Wedding Chicks BlogJocey & Amy are so in-tune with Weddings and offer up some of the best information- not to mention the fact that they post constantly!  Check them out!

chicksI am so excited to announce that I am one of their Preferred Vendors!  Woo-hoo!




Oh how I heart you, Shootsac. Jessica Claire you are a genius and I truly adore you. I have been drooling over the Shootsac’s for the past year, begging, pleading, whining. I did it all to no avail. So, when Jeff and I made the big 4-lens purchase I turned to him and declared, “Now I have to have a Shootsac!” He rolled his eyes and gave me a half grin, “I figured you say that.”  I came straight home and ordered my glorious new lens tote.  Now it is here and I am in love!



Isn’t it gorgeous??  The designed covers are sold separately- when I saw this particular cover I was so excited!  It is so me and I just adore it!

For any of you Photographers who don’t know what a Shootsac is or you are debating on getting one, I urge you to go for it!  It is so light and so comfortable to wear- last weekend I packed three of my lenses- including my beast of a lens- the 70-200 2.8L- it wasn’t bulky or awkward.  The Shootsac is made out of heavy duty neoprene, so while it cushions and protects your lenses, it is also light in weight.  This is a must-have for all Wedding Photographers, in my humble opinion.


Oh so True!

So, with my new site, new outlook, new year and new beginnings, I have decided to expose more of me.  After all, if you are a potential client you will be hiring me- not my portfolio.  For all of my past/current clients, you will know some of these facts first hand.  🙂  So… Here I go:

1. Yes, True is my real last name- it’s not for business, it is an actuality!  🙂  I became Mrs. True almost 10 years ago, formerly Ms. McCulloch.

2. I talk with my hands- always.  And I mean really talk with my hands.  My grandmother is a lip-reader and I grew up in her home with my dad and brother.  We had to motion at everything we were talking about or use our hands to emphasize our words, because she couldn’t hear.  So, on a shoot I will generally over-motion and over-emphasize strictly out of habit.  You can thank my Grandma.  🙂

3. I can recite Dirty Dancing word-for-word!  Challenge me- I am not lying.  When I was nine years old I watched the movie about twice a day until I literally ruined the VHS.  That was the summer of 1989 when everyone called me Baby and it didn’t occur to me to mind.  Honestly.  I had a perm and minus the nose, I was a mini Jennifer Grey.  Johnny Castle was what I thought all men were going to be like when I grew up.  I married a white boy who can’t dance- go figure!  😉

4. I’m a reality TV junkie.  I like it all!  Well, I should say I like the mindless reality TV- I don’t like COPS, I just think it’s depressing.  Top Model, Project Runway, Bachelor, Big Brother, Real World, the Hills…  Honestly, I can’t get enough.  I love when they play marathons on the weekends- there is no better way to spend your Saturday than on the couch curled up in a blanket watching LC & Audrina- yet again!

5.  Everytime I laugh, I cry.  For real!  I swear it happened after I had kids- once I get going the waterworks just begin to flow.  I can’t help it or prevent it.  So, be prepared, if you get me laughing, you’ll get me crying.  😛

So there you have it.  If you go to my website you can view more of my quirks.  And remember, nobody puts baby in the corner.  Hehe!



So, I am not someone who can generally make a list of resolutions and keep them.  Even with my best efforts, they just seem to fall off my radar and I don’t think of them again until the following year is almost here and I realize that everything I *wanted* to accomplish didn’t even come close to happening.  (Oops!)  🙂

This year I am keeping it simple. 

I want to do this and I mean reeeeaaally do this.  Photography.  My passion.  My dream job.  I love it and I feel like it loves me back.  I want to take my business to the next level.  I want to be successful, in demand, creating gorgeous images, making a lasting impression and sustain lasting relationships.  I have the support from my loved ones and they believe I can do this.  I believe I can do this.

So, my resolution is to keep on going.  I love the path I am on and I want to start running!  🙂  Bring it on 2009, I’m ready for you!!!


All images on this website are copyrighted by Holli True Photography and may not be reproduced in any form.
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